Review: I never thought the past would look so much like the future.

It’s the oldest trick in the book to answer the questions of the present by flashing back to the past. So while we may have already gotten a taste of the past in last week’s Thundercats, this week Lion-O’s transported into the body of his ancestor Leo to see for himself just how the war with Mumm-Ra began.

And after weeks of the other Thundercats, Panthro, and even Lion-O thinking he’s not worthy to be king, in “Legacy” it’s finally the Book of Omens turn to put him to the test. Poor kid, when will everyone let up?

Thundercats (s01e07): Legacy

I’ll say one thing for this episode, the flashbacks this week were a lot more enjoyable than the ones in Panthro’s episode, “Old Friends.” This time around they actually served to enhance the overall story instead of filling in unrelated blanks. The questions we had from last week—Who exactly was Leo? And was he helping Mumm-Ra?—were actually answered. Oh, and most importantly, was Lion-O’s ancestor a villain?

Lion-O: I’m so dead, but at least I have a girlfriend.

Thankfully, no. He and his blue cat-girlfriend, well mostly her, were the leaders of the Mumm-Ra rebellion. Meanwhile, Captain Tygus seems to not have been involved in any of it, so who knows his take on everything. We also learn that Mumm-Ra’s ship full of dogs, monkeys, and lizards crashed onto the planet to later become Third Earth. This is Noah’s Ark, guys. Only Mumm-Ra isn’t exactly Noah.

Lion-O: I know what we have to do.

Then, there’s the first half of this season’s challenge of finding the Book of Omens. That was of course completed last week, so now Lion-O and the gang have a new mission, thanks to Jaga, to find the stones of Third Earth before Mumm-Ra does himself. But where did the stones, including the Eye of Thundera, that Mumm-Ra stole originally come from? That part is not yet clear.

So this week did answer a lot of our questions, but it also brought up a lot more. And one thing I did miss this week: The rest of the Thundercats. When will we get an episode to learn more about them for a change?


hi there :D i accidentally bumped into the new thundercats episodes and started googling about them and i bumped onto your blog… awesome job btw! totally brought bak memories!!! anyway… on regards to the memories i used to watch all these 80’s cartoons which it so happens to include “silverhawks” well im not sure whether you noticed but in this episode “I never thought the past would look so much like the future” the main villain from Silverhawks made a cameo… I was like OMG!!!! lol …i wonder if they’ll try to merge all 80’s cartoons at some point… interesting!!!

anyway you may reply to my comment on: (if you so desire :D )

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